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Folder How to change User Name in Email Application (4)
How to change user name in Email Application for Apple Mail, MS Outlook
Folder Smartphone Configuration (1)


Article Changing Outgoing Server Port to 587
Apple Mail Email (OSX) Open Apple Mail. Select Mail Preference on the top menu bar Select...
Views: 1930
Article Compact Office Outlook mailbox
Please note that the following steps should be done by an IT person. This steps also require you...
Views: 2641
Article Create Autoreply
1. Login to the Control Panel. 2. Under Tools, select Autoresponders 3. Select Add New...
Views: 2562
Article MS Office Outlook Email Setup
Office Outllook Email Setup Open Office Outlook email application. Select Tools->Email...
Views: 5311
Article Redirect Your Email
If you want to redirect your email to another email address.   1. Login to the Control...
Views: 2104
Article Resolving Email Quota issue
Keeping too many email in the server can cause Email Quota issue.If a few large email is send to...
Views: 2615
Article Windows OS, Fixing Network Password
Visit https://manna.macrocraft.net:8443/ Select "Forgot your password?" Enter your email...
Views: 2135

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